ENERGO OILS engineers are again among the best in Russia

Energo Oils

The winners of the XXIII All-Russian competition "Engineer of the Year" were awarded. The Company's representatives were recognized as the best in three nominations. By the decision of the jury according to the results of the second round, the title of Laureate of the "Engineer of the Year 2022" competition according to the "Professional Engineers" in the nomination "Oil and Gas Industry" was awarded to Evgeny Savelyev, Dmitry Shipilov, Alexander Lebedev, Eduard Vasiliev, Bulat Zakiev. According to the "Professional Engineers" version, according to the results of the first round of the competition, the title of "Professional Engineer of Russia" with the presentation of the corresponding certificate and badge in the nomination "Oil and Gas Industry" was won by Azat Lutfullin, Ildar Girfanov. Albert Bachkov became the winner in the nomination "Geology, Land Management, geodesy, cartography". According to the version of "Engineering Art of the Young", Timur Nazimov was awarded in the nomination "Oil and Gas Industry". The All-Russian competition is an annual one and is held by the Russian and International Unions of Scientific and Engineering Public Organizations with the participation of the Academy of Engineering Sciences named after A.M. Prokhorov and the Interregional Fund for the Promotion of Scientific and Technological Progress. The names of its winners are entered in the Register of professional engineers of Russia.