Energo Oils

The Board of Directors approved the Company's ESG process management system based on metrics. The consolidated map of key ESG goals developed at ENERGO OILS will be integrated into the corporate monitoring and control system. The structure of the map is formed on the basis of the best practices of domestic and foreign leaders of the oil and gas industry in the field of ESG. The system provides both operational management of the project portfolio and manageability of the Company as a whole. The ESG goal map is divided into three interrelated levels with measurable indicators. The top-level goal - the sustainability of the Company - cascades to the following level of 14 metrics grouped in the areas of "Interaction with nature", "Development of society" and "Growth of the Company's value". The goals of the third level are further broken down by the second level metrics into seven blocks: "Sustainable product portfolio", "Climate", "Environmental Protection", "Occupational Safety and Industrial Safety", "Society and Partnership", "Personnel Management" and "Corporate Governance". In total, the ESG-goals map combines more than 120 indicators, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the share of low-carbon and secondary raw materials in products, increasing installed renewable energy capacities, the share of purchases from local suppliers, creating new jobs, increasing staff satisfaction, and many others. ESG metrics are integrated into internal business processes, including strategic and business planning, and when making investment decisions, the effectiveness of projects is assessed taking into account carbon emissions. The principles of ENERGO OILS's work within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals are enshrined in regulatory documents at the level of policies, standards, and methodologies. The approved ESG management system will ensure long-term growth of shareholder income while maintaining a balance of interests of shareholders and the company. Also, as part of the planned agenda, the Board of Directors got acquainted with the results of the implementation of the budget of PJSC ENERGO OILS for January 2022, approved the budget for March 2023 and considered a number of other issues related to the Company's current activities.